The Naming of a Cat
Sheesh, who would have thought agreeing on a name for a cat would be such a hard task!! The vet has his name as 'Biggles', his first names when we arrived were 'NoName' or 'Lumpy' (due to his hernia!) then he got called 'Frankie' but it never stuck, then 'LittleH' because he follows Heather everywhere, then we found out he was a boy, so naming after Heather wouldn't do. Various suggestions have been come up with including 'Snuggles', 'Mr Slurpy' and 'Oscar'. 'Shadow' was thrown out due to a previous house pet of the same name.
How do you name a cat? The guinea pigs were easy, but how do you name a cat? The debate continues. Let's just try a quick poll, everyone but Jim is in the lounge watching TV, let's ask if they have a favourite. Please excuse me for a moment.
How do you name a cat? The guinea pigs were easy, but how do you name a cat? The debate continues. Let's just try a quick poll, everyone but Jim is in the lounge watching TV, let's ask if they have a favourite. Please excuse me for a moment.
10 minutes and some hard debating later...
Well, here we are, a live blogcast, and the favourite is....
It was decided we'd feel too daft telling people his name was Slurpy or Snuggles, we all liked the name Oscar but agreed it just doesn't fit him (thanks and sorry Jenny). Numerous other names were put forward but none really fitted and then Yoda came up and it just seemed right! The stupid thing is it does seem to work! Who would have believed?
Well, let's see if it sticks.
Here he is 'in action' anyway. Oh, and he came through his hernia op very well, but he's a bit less of a boy than before he went in as he had another 'little' op at the same time.

For a Jedi master, ain't he cute!
Yoda! Purrrfect it is, like it I do.
Where now fish is?
Anonymous, at 4:57 pm
aw! yoda is kinda sweet I guess...if you like that sort of thing. ahem.
Anonymous, at 10:13 pm
Just as long as he doesn't start levitating things around the room at night!
Jenny, at 2:17 pm
Hmm, that could explain a lot :-)
Steve, at 4:57 pm
I thought i'd leave a congratulations on naming your cat on the comments, as you pointed out no1 comments your blog but it appears beth and jenny do hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Anonymous, at 7:46 pm
Aww Vix, you forgot to mention Yoda the Cat who might become a regular commenter too! :-)
As an update, Yoda really does seem to have stuck as a name! Hoorah!!
And Beth, you've got to agree it's better than calling him Jabba the Hutt, although Jabba the Mutt might be a good name for a dog??!!
Steve, at 1:06 am
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