Hide and seek
Inspired by Jenny's comment "When's the next post going to be?" I figured it was time to post a blog. The trouble is that what's going on in my life in church leadership isn't always appropriate to post as a blog entry and as that seems to be a major part of my life along with writing software, I'm not always sure what to write about!!
Still, I thought, maybe I'll just share what God put on my heart recently and has then confirmed again and again. The other week I was preaching that the most important thing that we need as a church and as individuals is not prayer, is not preaching, is not worship or praise, is not fellowship with each other or anything like this, not even reading the Bible, although they are all important for individual and church life. The most important thing that we need individually and as a church is the presence of God. Without His presence we are nothing and can do nothing of value. It is His presence that makes the difference. Our prayer, our praise our worship, our fellowship, our Bible reading should be bringing and nurturing an environment in our lives and churches where God's presence is welcome. I don't want to be part of a church, or live a life, that is mechanical and religious, I don't want any part of a legalistic lifestyle that says I have to do this and I must not do that, I must only eat this or mustn't drink that, of course there are things that are beneficial and things that are not, but a life led by the Spirit whispering into my heart not a life dictated by a rulebook is what God is after. (Jer 31:33, 1 John 2:27, Col 2:20-21)
I want a life that is filled with the inspiring presence of God, where I can expect Him to speak, to manifest His glory where I am, where I can anticipate knowing His direction and guidance rather than just making human decisions, where I expect to prophesy, see healings, miracles, words of knowledge that bring liberty, healing and salvation. I want to be someone who God wants to hang out with and who sees Him at work in our world in my day and in my time. (Habakkuk 3:2)
We might argue that God wants to be with us all, and of course in one sense He does, we might argue that He has no favourites, and of course He doesn't. Yet at the same time, we must recognise that we can make Him welcome by our lifestyles, or we can do the opposite. God makes it clear that as we come near to Him, He will come near to us, that as we seek Him He will be found by us, the implication is that if we don't bother with either of these things, then we won't meet with Him in the way He would want us to. God has given us the invitation, it's now our decision as to whether we will accept. Will we be hungry and thirsty for Him, or will we be satisfied with what the world offers? We can make do with the world's offerings, but as for me I want to have life and have it to the full!!!
I think it was John Bevere said that we will develop an appetite for what we regularly eat, it may take time. If you always eat burgers and have an appetite for them, it may take a time to change yourself to have an appetite for an healthy salad instead, but it can be done. What appetite are we encouraging - a hunger for God or for the things of the world? What do we keep feeding ourselves with?
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul thirsts for the Lord (Psalm 42:1). Is what the Psalmist says descriptive of us, or are we friends of the world as James describes it (James 4:4). The choice is ours. We don't have to wait for some special event, some amazing Bible conference or incredible meeting where we are impacted with the presence of God to start on this track, we can start with a simple, heartfelt prayer that says, "Lord, I'm not sure I'm thirsty for you, but I know I want to be, Lord give me a thirst for your presence again, renew my hunger for You." God finds it difficult to resist an honest prayer like this and if we are determined to find His presence, He will make Himself found. Like hide and seek, we can decide whether we'll play the game or go and do something else and never meet with God. God wants us to play hide and seek with Him, and though it may take a while to find Him, to discover how to find His presence, He always makes the wait worthwhile.
Fancy a game of hide and seek?
Labels: God's presence, seeking God
I reached your blog in a strange round about way, but I just had to comment.
You see I have lived in Canada, Prince Albert, Sask to be exact since Feb 1967. But 44 yrs ago on the 16th of March I was born in Morpeth Northumberland England.
I have never met anyone else from there, and was so excited when I read your profile.
I just had to say Hello.!!
Joanne, at 5:32 am
Hi Joanne,
I don't know if you'll visit again to read this. I went to your site to leave a return hello, but there was nowhere to do such a thing.
Thanks for your comment, it was lovely to hear from you. Happy birthday for next Friday!
God bless you,
Steve, at 12:46 pm
you've been tagged to write a blog about 6 quirks you have!
Jenny, at 1:14 am
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