Spaghetti Bolognese

Friday, April 06, 2007

Tagged! - 6 Quirky things you'll love about me

I've been tagged by Jenny.

6 weird things...

premise: blog a blog about six weird things about yourself. Then "tag" via intarweb 6 other people to do the same thing. Don't forget to let them know on their own Bloggy Mc Blogs that they've been inter-tagged.

End result: everyone gets to learn about your lovely little quirks

I have quirks? Okay, so I guess I can think of six, Heather reckons my problem will be keeping it down to six - ouch!

So here they are...

1. Many people have an alarm to tell them to get up, I don't but I have one set on my phone to tell me to go to bed.

2. I'll quite happily eat cheese cooked into things or on top of a pizza, but I can't stand any type of uncooked cheese - yuck!

3. If I have to eat ice cream I take forever. I balance it in the middle of my tongue trying to keep it away from my teeth or the roof of my mouth and then wait for it to melt - I hate that brain freeze or cold things on my teeth.

4. When I'm bored at work or need a little distraction, I pick up my fluffy orange keyboard brush and dust off both of my keyboards (I have one on the laptop and another attached to its docking station - however I generally only use one keyboard at a time!)

5. If a plate has a pattern with an obvious top and someone puts it down in front of me at another angle, it takes great effort to not rotate it so the top is actually at the top - I don't always manage to resist the urge.

6. I'm a guy and I put both the toilet seat and the lid down after I've used the toilet - now how weird is that??

I'm sure there are quirkier things in my life, but that's what came to mind!

So now to tag some others - I choose Vikki, Prince Stephen and RandomGoth.

Steve Wakka Wakka


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