So here I am back in England again, jet lag still tugging at my brain, sadness of leaving so many good friends in Canada tugging at my heart, the concerns of an uncertain future trying to bring me anxiety, and yet God has me in His hands, and He has my heart wrapped in His arms.
I’ve changed the title of my blog to this, it may stay, it may change, but right now it’s where I’m at and where I need to keep running to.
I could talk on about the journey and all that, but that’s not what’s interesting me at the moment.
What’s in my heart is a mixture of sadness and joy.
Sadness of leaving so many friends, joy that I have them all and of seeing other friends back here in Morpeth!
We had a wonderful send off from Lloyd, with many tears shed, a love offering that blew us away, many gifts and cards, and almost the entire congregation coming forward to pray over us as Pastor Lyle invited anyone who knew us and had been touched by our lives to come and lay their hands on us and pray for us - it was pretty overwhelming!
It is so wonderful to have such a wonderful church family in Lloyd.
We went on to the Moshers’ in Ottawa and spent nearly five full days with our adopted Canadian family.
It was so good to catch up with Gord, Glenda and Steve again and it was a lovely surprise to see Lindsay, Phil’s girlfriend, as she dropped in to see us all.
We did very little really, it was just a pleasure to be together again.
We sat and chatted, watched a rented DVD that we then kept forgetting to take back, went to see the new Superman movie which we all enjoyed, munched Chinese food together and simply did family type stuff.
As well as being a blessing to see them, it made a good buffer between leaving Lloyd and returning to Morpeth, both potentially very emotional experiences.
Flying with Steve Mosher to Glasgow made leaving Gord and Glenda easier for us, although a lot harder for Glenda I expect.
It was helpful to be able to catch hold of Steve’s excitement in visiting England and seeing Jenny, it helped us not to dwell on our own sadness of leaving.
As it is, our arrival back in Morpeth has not been too bumpy, a bit emotional at points, but in general pretty good.
It was so good to see Jenny again on arriving in Glasgow, I had missed her a lot since Christmas and so to see her was a delight as she stood waiting for us at the airport with Anna who very kindly picked us all up.
We hope to see a good deal of Jenny over the next few days as she returns to Ottawa mid-July, so we only have a short crossover time.
On Monday after an unpacking marathon, a bit of shopping and dropping in on Douglas and Ruth who run the Christian bookshop, we gatecrashed the start of the training evening for the team heading off to Canada, it was so good to catch up with those team members we saw and to see Mike and Lisa as well. It was wonderful to see Beth and Louise, both from the youth group we led until leaving for Canada. It was great to see Ali again as he came bounding up the stairs and nearly knocked Heather over when he heard we were in the building!
Yesterday we met Jenny’s boyfriend Russell and went to Holy Island with them all. Sadly the weather was overcast, but we had great fun and it was good to get to know Russell a little bit – he seems a really genuine and friendly guy –we very much enjoyed his company. I hope he didn’t find us (okay, I hope he didn’t find ME) too crazy! Jet lag does wonders for an already bad sense of humour!
In the evening Jenny and Russell went off for supper on their own, and we had supper with the Hatches who kindly invited us to stay. It was good to have such a fun day -it’s good to be distracted at times!
Today I am not distracted and my heart feels mixed up, but that’s not surprising. We have fun times to look forward to with our friends here, the sadness of Jenny and Steve leaving again in about 10 days, concerns over the vote on whether New Life and the Baptist churches should merge, grief over leaving so many friends in Canada, the sorrow of losing Yoda our kitten three weeks before leaving Lloyd (we suspect he was supper for a coyote), uncertainties about the future – it’s enough to make one more than a little discombobulated! So I guess I will be emotional for the next little while, but through it all, I know that God has wonderful plans for Heather and me, that He knows what our hearts can take and how to heal them even as they are hurting. Right now, I’m glad my heart is wrapped in God’s arms, it’s the best place for it to be.
God bless you,