Spaghetti Bolognese

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Where's your focus?

Hopefully I'll have a chance to write about my recent trip to the Rockies with Heather and her parents, but I don't have much time right now and I wanted to share what God's been impressing on my heart these last few days since we came back.

In chatting with my sister Rae and reading recent e-mails from Jenny, I have been reminded that I need to keep my focus on Jesus, not on my future! It is so easy to allow my gaze to shift to other things, especially the good old, "What happens next?" question. What do I think of when I wake in the night, what is it that my mind drifts to when I have free time to think on things?

Rae made the simple comment that "Jesus IS the journey." It's all to easy to get caught up in serving him, obeying him and end up not spending time simply enjoying being with him.

Jenny pointed out that her time at Capernwray has been more about God working on her heart than helping her sort out her future, allowing her to look at what God has been doing and wants to do in her life more than worrying about the next steps ahead.

I think it's time to visit my heavenly optician to help me get my focus sorted out again - to get things back in perpsective in relation to knowing Jesus, to remove the distortion that comes from allowing my gaze to be elsewhere.

Time to revisit and really get into one of my favourite verses,
"Therefore ... let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith" - Hebrews 12:1

I hope this helps you too if you've lost sight of what's most important.

Thanks Rae, thanks Jenny, and thank you Jesus.

Steve Wakka Wakka


  • Amen to that Steve. It is so easy to forget that the reason why we were created is to have a relationship with the creator. Also that is why Jesus was able to say 'I only do what my Father tells me'. He spent time with his Father, and it was essestial for him. It also helps us to understand why we don't have to worry about things as Jesus said.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:01 am  

  • Isnt it funny how we end up so wrapped up in our own lives (and others!) that we forget what we are created for. It's bizarre that we can even forget such a marvelous and significant fact! It should be not only a goal of ours - but the ONLY aim in our lives to srve and worship our God.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:48 pm  

  • Isn't it awesome how God knows exactly what we need at each point in life?!
    It is all to easy to lose our way when we ignore our Father's wishes and plans and spend time dwelling on the unknown factor of our future. We worry too much about things and lose sight of the fact that we are part of an immense plan that God has for each and everyone of our lives.
    Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 A paticularly poigniant reminder that we really shouldn't worry as the big guy is in the driving seat looking out for us. We may be lousy navigators but He knows the way.
    God bless

    By Blogger Pyrobutterfly, at 2:07 pm  

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