Lead Us Lord (Dream Again)
For Christmas, Gord and Glenda Mosher gave me the CD ‘Today’ by Brian Doerksen. I already knew this was a wonderful CD, but it had a nostalgic element to it because it was always playing the church santuary when we first arrived in Lloydminster. (If you’re reading Tanys, here’s another album that has a memory attached to it!) It reminded me of the summer past – our first days in Lloyd and the visit of the team from England that came to Lloydminster and then having to say goodbye to them all. As such, although I loved the CD, I didn’t dare listen to it as I feared it might make me feel too nostalgic in a saddened sort of way – you may think me strange or soppy, but that’s just me! Finally, a few weeks ago, I dared to put it on and it was just what I needed with us seeking God about what happens next when we return to Morpeth. Do we return to Lloyd again or settle back in England? What do we do wherever we end up?
The following song from the album really stirred and inspired my heart and continues to do so as we seek to follow Him, even though the path ahead is still dark at the moment. Thanks Gord and Glenda.
If you are in or coming up to a place of decision at the moment, I hope the following is of as much encouragement to you as it is to me.
Lead Us Lord (Dream Again)
Brian Doerksen
(c) 2004 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music/ASCAP
Here we stand
At a crossroads again
Like You said
In time the seasons change
Looking back
We recall the blessing and the pain
But now we turn our hearts toward
What is still to come
We want to dream again
Lead us Lord
Into a life of fruitfulness
Prepare our hearts to risk again
As we trust
Taking simple steps of obedience
We know that you will lead us Lord
The final three lines are what I keep returning to most of all. “As we trust, taking simple steps of obedience, we know that you will lead us Lord.” We may not see where we are going, but as we simply obey the Lord step by step, trusting Him, we know that He will indeed lead us on.
Despite the temptations to do otherwise I am trying to not make any further decisions or predictions about what we are doing until we return to Morpeth which is when we believe God will truly start to make things clear.
Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make you paths straight / He will direct your paths.” This is the truth that I am hanging onto, that He will direct our steps as we carry on in simple trust and obedience to Him.
Bless you,
Awwww steve, you soppy thing lol *cuddles*
Wooo I like that song, its beautiful and its so relevant to what we are all currently going through. But as the song says 'trust' is the key - God knows what he's doing even when we can't see what he's doing.
God bless and I can't wait to seee you guys again!
Pyrobutterfly, at 8:06 pm
Sometimes I find myself loking at my life and the future and somehow fail to include God in this vision. It makes me all worried and anxious and scared. But when we look at songs such as that and read The Book we can see that our lives are not meant to be taken alone and that we have an awesome, wonderfuly ever loving God with us at every step! How amazing (or 'awesome'!) is that?! It certainly makes me feel all warm and bubbly inside!! :)
Anonymous, at 9:39 am
OH...and I know of another 'memory song'....
Just like Jesus! I wanna be!
Just Like Jesus! I wanna be!
Just Like Jesus!
He's my corner stone!
Anonymous, at 9:43 am
Aaaaaaarrrghh!! Not THAT song - screams of terror resonate through the corridors of LGF...
Thanks Beth for reminding me of that!! :-)
Maybe I'll stick with the album Today, it definitely brings less frightening memories, what do you reckon Keri?
Bless ya!
Steve, at 4:55 pm
God puts desires on our hearts and by faith we see things and have vision even when circumstances are difficult and things around seem dark.
I would encourage us to keep walking by faith and keep dreaming those dreams.
'Cause we are dreamers of impossible dreams,
Walking by faith in what is yet unseen.
Number us, Lord, with those who dare to believe,
That we can live in Your impossible dream.' (Waves of Grace)
As Beth said, God is with us every step of the way.
Galatians 3 vs 20 "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
Anonymous, at 11:41 pm
Steve I also agree with your songs + memories - i think that sound + smells are some of the prevailent memory sensors - in me at least!What did you think of X3 - we went today and it was fantastic!!! I think my favorite of all of them! We are off to Ottawa for our holiday so I hope you enjoy your last month in Canada! Maybe see you in the UK :)
tmosh, at 6:51 am
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